Saturday, October 5, 2024

The MatiKalp ceramic pot filter advances access to safe drinking water

S M Sehgal Foundation advocates the adoption of low-cost sustainable point-of-use (household) water treatment technologies. The Foundation team has been instrumental in promoting the...

A farmer in Jharkhand uses AI and technology to modernise farming

A marketing official-turned-farmer returned to his village to innovate with technology and modernise his farm. He used artificial intelligence and digital tools for water...

Battling disinformation in the era of AI

The battle for news publishers to stamp out disinformation continues unabated. And the rise of AI has only accelerated that challenge. AFP Chief Editor...

‘Improving UX and audience development are essential’

During a round-table discussion at the WAN-IFRA World News Media Congress around product development, audience engagement and digital subscriptions, Mathias Douchet, director of Product for the UK’s...


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